The Creative Hub Talk Session #6

TalkWSNÉco-responsabilitéSalon International de la Lingerie

01/20/2025 | 14:00 - 15:00 | Creative Hub


Ecodesign in action: solutions, expertise and collaboration

- The aim of this round table is to highlight concrete solutions for activating eco-design levers in four key areas:

> Tracking, to understand and act on the life cycle of products,
> Measuring the environmental footprint, essential for making progress,
> Durability, a major lever for minimising environmental impact,
> Repair, to extend the life of products and adopt a circular model.

Speakers :

> Tracking: Benoît Pflimlin - Retraced: an innovative traceability solution for tracking and optimising product life cycles in the textile sector.
> Impact measurement: Delphine Droz - La Belle Empreinte: a specialist in the environmental analysis of products, helping companies to quantify their footprint.
> Sustainability: Clara Lazou - RougeGorge: textile quality engineer working on the intrinsic sustainability of products.
> Repair: Hasna Koudra - Save Your Wardrobe: a platform facilitating access to repair for consumers and brands.